A User-Centric Design for Ahero’s “Supermarket”
Stakeholders in Ahero, Kisumu County, identified an upgraded market as a priority for their town in the consultative...
ReadStakeholders in Ahero, Kisumu County, identified an upgraded market as a priority for their town in the consultative...
ReadKakamega County’s urban change project seeks to transform idle public land near the newly constructed Lower Butere...
ReadDecember 4th saw the convening of the Urban Network Forum and official launch of the Planning Our Towns toolkit in Nairobi....
ReadPlanning Our Towns provides guidance on integrating an inclusive, participatory and holistic perspective into urban...
ReadA technical Working Group constituting County and ward level administrators as well as local non-government stakeholders,...
ReadSeven Operations Managers have joined SymbioCity Kenya to oversee the completion of the seven pilot projects in Kenyan...
ReadSymbioCity Kenya and the Council of Governors are testing integrated urban solutions and strengthening planning capacity in seven towns across Kenya.
Urban development is about people and their lives. Participation is closely linked to internal and external communication.
Gender mainstreaming is a key element in the SymbioCity Approach and is seen as crucial for sustainable urban development.
The Council of Governors and the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions(SALAR) have started a programme on sustainable urban development in Kenya. The programme is mainly funded by the Embassy of Sweden in Kenya, which is responsible for Swedish development cooperation in Kenya.